- Bridgeway Center: Behavioral, judicial, educational and in-home services. Call for an appointment or more information. www.bridgewaycenter.org, 833-7500
- Caring and Sharing (Walton County): www.caringsharingofsouthwaltoncounty.org, 267-2866
- Catholic Charities: Assists with food, medicine, clothing, counseling and other services. www.catholiccharitiesnwfl.org/fort-walton-beach, 243-3959
- COPE Center: Provides an array of quality mental health and substance abuse treatment services, including outpatient counseling, adult residential services, prevention education, psychiatric treatment, crisis counseling, case management, screening and referral, and wellness programming for all ages. www.copecenter.org, 892-8045
- Department of Children and Families: www.myflorida.com/accessflorida, 1-866-762-2237
- First Call For Help: Click on Resource Guide. www.united-way.org/contacts.htm, 243-9111
- Health Department (Okaloosa County): www.okaloosahealth.com, 833-9240
- Health Department (Walton County): www.doh.state.fl.us/chdwalton, 892-8040
- Housing Authority (Fort Walton Beach): 243-3224
- Legal Services: Offers legal services by direct representation, private attorney involvement, telephone advice programs and conduct legal clinics. www.lsnf.org, 862-3279
- Okaloosa-Walton Childcare Services: www.owccs.org, 833-9330
- Section 8 Housing: 244-5886
- Sharing and Caring (Okaloosa County): Food bank, prescription medication help, assistance obtaining eyeglasses, clothing vouchers, etc. 244-0778
- Striving for Perfection Ministries: Weekly soup kitchen, food give-a-ways, emergency financial assistance, life enrichment programs, mentoring and scholarship opportunities. 362-6977
- Vocational Rehabilitation: This program helps individuals with physical or mental disabilities prepare for, gain or retain employment. www.rehabworks.org, 833-9114